Gecko Kids Club session 11am-1:00pm III
09jun11:00 am1:00 pmGecko Kids Club session 11am-1:00pm III

Event Details
Indoor Rock Climbing for Kids. Explore indoor climbing in a safe and fun environment. Age range: 7 to 15 years of age,
Event Details
Indoor Rock Climbing for Kids.
Explore indoor climbing in a safe and fun environment.
Age range:
7 to 15 years of age, both male and female.
Kit needed:
Trainers or rock climbing shoes are great.
You do NOT need a helmet.
Event details:
- 1.5 hr indoor climbing session
- climb tied into a rope
- climb clipped into an auto belayer
- climb solo on the boulder wall
- learn balance, movement, climbing techniques
- gain confidence, emotional control, problem solving skills, thinking outside the box
There is a small café on site, where you can purchase snacks and drinks. We always advise you to bring your own snacks, food, water, hot drink.
- The sessions are built around bottom rope climbing, auto belay and bouldering.
- We take on students who are looking for something different from the usual football, rugby, racket sports and swimming.
- It is fantastic for all fitness levels, confidence levels and skill levels.
- With our unique method of teaching we can help your child gain confidence, think in and out of the box quickly, improve their cognitive behaviour, practice their analytical skills and enhance their problem solving.
- We have considerable experience with training young people and can move them up the skills and knowledge. We operate at a maximum 6:1 ratio.
You are welcome to stay and watch the session. There is a seating area from where you can watch. Or drop them off and we will see you at the end of the session.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything with us prior to booking your place then please get in touch with us at or call 07852258022.
(Sunday) 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
The Big Depot Climbing Centre.
Gelderd Road, Leeds. LS12 6BY